Ecopol publishes first Sustainability Report
Ecopol publishes its first Sustainability Report demonstrating the concrete actions carried out over the past year in the areas of economy, environment, people and rights, D&I.
The Sustainability Report is a document whose preparation is not mandatory as it is non-financial in nature, however, in harmony with principles and issues dear to the Company, Ecopol is committed to prepare this document annually from now on.
Our Society is growing more and more and we have decided to direct this growth so that it happens in a sustainable way. In Ecopol we have, since always, focused our business on an increasing attention to sustainability issues; these are strategic drivers of development and translate, starting this year, into the decision to prepare annually, our Sustainability Report.
Mauro Carbone, CEO Ecopol s.p.a.
The Sustainability Report is prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards, updated by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) in 2021, which are now the most internationally recognized and widespread non-financial reporting standard.